


2.dps 中一般方差分析的线性模型 GLM 求助




       本文是 百迈客GWAS生物信息培训课程 学习笔记第二篇,第一篇请参考 GWAS基本分析内容


        零假设(H0,null hypothesis): 即原假设,指进行统计检验时预先建立的假设 , 一般是希望证明其错误的假设。GWAS中的H0是标记的回归系数为零, SNP对表型没有影响。

        备择假设(H1,也叫对立假设,Alternative Hypothesis): 与原假设对立的假设,GWAS中的H1就是标记的回归系数不为零,SNP和表型相关。

        来自参考文献? Review: Population Structure in Genetic Studies: Confounding Factors and Mixed Models


       Type I error (I类错误): 拒绝真实的H0,即假阳性,概率α为显著性水平;

        Type II error (I类错误): 接受错误的H0,即假阴性,概率为β;

        功效(power): 拒绝错误H0的概率 1-β

        一般可以用pearson's 卡方检验来分析

        数量性状(quantitative trait):是指在一个群体内的各个体间表现为连续变异的 性状 ,如动植物的高度或长度等

        数量性状基因座(quantitative trait locus, QTL):控制数量性状的基因在基因组中的位置



        以数量性状为研究性状的关联分析多用混合 GLM 模型

        进阶版 MLM 模型

        其他改进模型EMMA, EMMAX, fast-LMM等等降维提升速度,同时不影响功效


       pared to the aerage effect oer all 4 leels.


       As in PROC GLM, four columns are created to indicate group membership. The design matrix columns for A are as follows.

       GLM Coding

       A Design Matrix

       1 1 0 0 0

       2 0 1 0 0

       5 0 0 1 0

       7 0 0 0 1

       Parameter estimates of CLASS main effects using the GLM coding scheme estimate the difference in the effects of each leel compared to the last leel.


       The columns are obtained by applying the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to the columns for PARAM=POLY. The design matrix columns for A are as follows.

       Orthogonal Polynomial Coding

       A Design Matrix

       1 -1.153 0.907 -0.921

       2 -0.734 -0.540 1.473

       5 0.524 -1.370 -0.921

       7 1.363 1.004 0.368



       Three columns are created. The first represents the linear term , the second represents the quadratic term (x2), and the third represents the cubic term (x3), where x is the leel alue. If the CLASS leels are not numeric, they are translated into 1, 2, 3, ... according to their sorting order. The design matrix columns for A are as follows.

       Polynomial Coding

       A Design Matrix

       1 1 1 1

       2 2 4 8

       5 5 25 125

       7 7 49 343



       Three columns are created to indicate group membership of the nonreference leels. For the reference leel, all three dummy ariables hae a alue of 0. For instance, if the reference leel is 7 (REF=7), the design matrix columns for A are as follows.

       Reference Coding

       A Design Matrix

       1 1 0 0

       2 0 1 0

       5 0 0 1

       7 0 0 0

       Parameter estimates of CLASS main effects using the reference coding scheme estimate the difference in the effect of each nonreference leel compared to the effect of the reference leel.
